Social Media Trends: Key Insights in Q2 2020

The entire world and economy were put on a pause because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the internet will not pause for anything and as a marketer or even influencer, it is crucial to keep up with the latest internet trends to stay relevant and always adjusting our social media marketing strategy. Without further ado, here are the key insights of Q2 in Malaysia.

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Cloudbreakr Major Updates (November 2022)

In November, we made some platform updates to improve influencer searching experience. Here are the major platform updates: My Watchlist Search YouTube channel New “influencer’s interests” Flexible searching option: AND/OR My Watchlist To save your favorite influencers, you can add them to your watchlist. Once you added, go to “My Watchlist” and you will see […]

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Cloudbreakr用戶分享-海洋科研護膚品牌 Mer-Veille

許多品牌在剛剛起步的時候都遇上不少困難,從了解市場趨勢、產品定位、以至制定宣傳策略都不是一件容易的事。許多品牌都會考慮與網紅合作,透過產品播種(product seeding)或產品推廣在社交媒體上尋找潛在顧客。不過,社交媒體世界瞬息萬變,要捉緊市場趨勢,找出合適網紅及內容關鍵字,沒有一套完善的網紅工具是做不到的。正如本文的真實用戶個案分享,本地海洋科研護膚品牌 Mer-Veille主理人之一Lavinia分享如何利用Cloudbreakr網紅行銷平台了解市場趨勢,找出行業最hot topic及找出高質素的網紅。 關於Mer-Veille Mer-Veille是香港首個結合海洋科研的護膚品牌,她們用了大約兩年時間研發海參肽成分加入護膚產品,結合創新「MV-Bio™海洋提純技術」,致力成為以海洋為基礎的領導護膚品牌。品牌目標客群是香港年輕女性,主打適合敏感肌、輕熟肌使用的護膚產品。 在市場推廣方面,品牌遇上什麼困難? 香港護膚市場競爭很大,除了本地品牌,還有很多外國品牌。市場上護膚產品選擇多不勝數,加上海量資訊,所以不知道品牌的市場定位,及如何令更多人認識Mer-Veille。而且對護膚品市場了解不足,也不太清楚行業最hit的topic。 品牌想與網紅合作,但沒有相關經驗。對於如何找尋網紅,揀選合適網紅及報價都無從入手,所以需要一個平台可快速搜尋網紅,分析網紅表現及取得報價。 使用Cloudbreakr網紅行銷平台後有什麼變化? 快速了解市場趨勢及競爭對手動向: 透過Cloudbreakr其中一個工具 ”Topic discovery”,利用keyword快速搜尋競爭對手的動向,例如:競爭對手使用哪一位網紅,相關帖文的表現,或是同類型護膚產品的最新帖文及內容關鍵字,都可以透過 “Topic discovery” 快速搜尋出來。 節省找reference的時間: “Topic discovery”工具比其他搜尋平台更容易搜尋香港地區的social media 趨勢,例如:輸入關鍵字便可了解消費者對海洋護膚或科研護膚的興趣,了解最近護膚熱門話題,幫助搜尋SEO關鍵字,甚至發掘正在冒起的beauty page及找出潛在合作夥伴。 Cloudbreakr哪一個功能最令你驚訝? 我覺得Cloudbreakr的“Influencer discovery”功能十分強大。Mer-Veille主要target年輕女性市場,所以我們需要搜尋擁有年輕女性粉絲的網紅。最令我驚訝的地方是原來有些美妝網紅的粉絲主要是男性,男性比例可以達到60-70%。如果沒有這些資訊,我們很大機會找錯網紅宣傳產品。 另外,“Influencer discovery”亦提供真實粉絲(Follower authenticity)參考指數,令我知道這些網紅有沒有買假粉,可以衡量他們出post的成效。如果沒有這些數據,只憑網紅的social media去選擇與他們合作,我相信成本效益一定很低。 你會如何推薦其他人使用Cloudbreakr網紅行銷平台? Mer-Veille計劃透過與網紅合作令更多人認識品牌,我們著重網紅形象、內容質素、產品試用的準確性及真確性、Followers真假,而Cloudbreakr可以將這些重要資訊以十分user-friendly的layout呈現出來。 我會推薦正考慮或正在與網紅合作的品牌使用Cloudbreakr網紅行銷平台。雖然市場上有很多marketing agency提供網紅服務,但真正做到用數據找網紅的只有Cloudbreakr。 另外我亦會推薦需要緊貼社交媒體動向的marketer。因為平台的”Topic discovery”強大功能可以幫助marketer了解social media的最新熱話,及早捕捉趨勢,早著先機。 總結 Cloubreakr網紅行銷平台強大的網紅數據庫有助品牌找到市場定位及了解市場趨勢,監察競爭對手動向。另外,平台大大節省搜尋網紅的時間。只要簡單輸入要求便可找出相關網紅,利用數據分析網紅的表現,假粉比例及過往合作過的品牌,精準搜尋網紅,提高成本效益。 立即免費成為Cloudbreakr用戶,無限次搜尋網紅,洞悉市場最新趨勢。

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One-stop influencer marketing platform | Empower your influencer marketing from a different perspective

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, influencer marketing industry is set to grow to approximately US$16.4 billion in 2022 and more than 75% of brands intend to dedicate a budget to influencer marketing. However, influencer marketing is not as easy as you think. You could be searching for influencers on Instagram that have a lot of […]

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Maximize your NFT project’s reach through influencer marketing


2021 was a highly rewarding year for NFTs. Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Justin Beiber, Reese Witherspoon, and Eminem joined the NFT bandwagon. These celebrities have millions of loyal followers all around the globe. Thus, it’s only natural that NFT prices are impacted when they make a decision to purchase. It’s similar to a renowned company […]

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Cloudbreakr new feature: YouTube metric analysis

In October 2021, we have officially deployed YouTube analysis on Cloudbreakr platform. From now on, you can easily track, analyze, and compare different YouTuber performances all in one place! Applause to our IT gurus, Cloudbreakr is capable to crawl over 1,000 (the number is growing!) YouTube channels in Hong Kong and the southeast Asia region. […]

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The End of Influencer Marketing? Instagram is hiding likes to its users

Probably you have heard or are experiencing that Instagram is hiding likes on its platform. Do you know why Instagram is doing that to its 1 billion users? How does it change the social media ecosystem? What are the challenges to the businesses that rely on social media marketing? When the businesses are missing one of […]

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Discover Authentic Influencers using Advanced Filters

Our AI influencer search platform comprises a list of over 100,000 SEA regions influencers, and more than hundred millions of data on the instant social platform including Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. With AI technology, it achieves optimal recommendation of influencers and builds up performance-based influencer marketing.

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