Updates: v2.3.1 平台Beta版推出

Cloudbreakr Updates: v2.3.1

– Release of Beta Free Account Registration
– Influencer Leaderboard on Instagram (HK)
– Leaderboard include Monthly and Weekly Raising Rank
– Influence Power algorithm to benchmark public profile’s influence among social media
– Influencer public profile preview
– Influencer Search Engine

Influence Power (IP)™: With the hierarchical scoring mechanism on social influence, the score is calculated to indicate the lifetime influence of one public figure based on his performance on social network. The score ranges from 1.00 to 10.00 and which the average score varies based on the location and identity of influencers. For instance, the average score of Hong Kong influencers on Instagram with over 5,000 followers is 4.86.


Monthly Top Ranking: Empowered by the framework of Influence Power (IP)™,  the Rank explains the influence power among the public profiles on social networks and hence indicate the “Key Opinion Leader” that have high interactions, social media performance and growth rate.

每月綜合紅人榜 :以網絡影響力指數為基準,為每位網絡人物的公眾帳戶排名,繼而找出互動率﹑社交媒體表現和成長率俱名列前茅的「網絡紅人」。


Weekly Raising Stars Ranking: The Rank is designed to rank influencers with great influence growth on a weekly basis. The growth on social interaction, audience base and reach are the major elements that define one’s influential behaviors in a short period of time.

每周增長紅人榜:這個分數主要用於發掘高增長潛力的網絡紅人,不同於Influence Power,每周增長榜的演算法側重於粉絲、貼文互動及觸及人數等數據的增長比率,以推算出短時間內傳播能力增長最大的網絡紅人。