提升用戶體驗 -進階分類搜尋及書籤功能
Jan 9, 2017 – 亞洲首個網絡紅人專業平台Cloudbreakr推出v2.3.5更新,繼推出台灣版本、搜尋引擎功能更新及創作人檔案認證後,新版本將以提升用戶體驗為目標,為所有用戶提供創作人檔案的進階搜尋及書籤(Bookmark)功能。
Profile多重分類搜尋 -讓用戶以多重的身份、興趣、性別標籤尋找合適的網絡創作人,舉例來說:時裝潮流的網媒可以通過組合「Fashion Stylist」、「 Photography」和「Female」的搜尋標籤,尋找專注於攝影的女性時尚創作人。
粉絲數量篩選功能 -新推出的進階篩選功能,讓用戶可以自訂搜尋不同粉絲數量的創作人專頁,以達至更精準的用戶搜尋體驗。
書籤功能 -讓用戶隨時追蹤有興趣的網絡創作人,並在「Bookmarks」的版面上找回已標籤的紀錄,並可在搜尋紀錄的版面隨時翻看已瀏覽的創作人檔案。
如欲了解更多,請即登記試用 https://goo.gl/1I3Hwy!
UX Enhancement – Profile Bookmarking, Advanced Search & Filter
Jan 9, 2017 – Cloudbreakr, the Asia-based Influencer Professional Network, releases its v2.3.5 update today. Since last updates on Taiwan version, advanced searching features and profile verification, the new version will allow users to search for influencers by mult-tags, follower filter and bookmark their favorite profiles.
Profile Multi-searching – Allow users to find influencers with multiple identity, interest and gender tags. For instance, a fashion media can combine “Fashion Stylist”, “Photography”, “Female” tags to discover female influencers who focus on photo shooting & fashion.
Follower Filtering – The filter allows users to find influencers based on the tags and its audience size and get a more accurate searching results.
Profile Bookmarking – Allow users to bookmark any influencers they are interested, review the searching history and track their profiles in a convenient way.
With less than 3 months time since the platform launched, Cloudbreakr has already analyzed over 10,000 influencers in Hong Kong and Taiwan, while over 1,000 people have registered as our users. To fulfill the user expectations, Cloudbreakr team will release several major updates in coming few months, including new region influencer database, revolutionary user profile design, cross-platform analytics and advanced hot topic dashboard.
If you need more information, please sign up at https://goo.gl/1I3Hwy. Stay tuned!
Edwin Wong
Founder & CEO