網絡創作跨地域 -新加坡版本正式上線
Feb 9, 2017 – 亞洲首個網絡創作人專業平台Cloudbreakr推出v2.3.6更新,繼推出台灣版本、進階搜尋功能及創作人檔案認證後,是次更新將推出新加坡版本,並開放新地區的搜尋引擎及推行榜,而平台上的網絡創作人檔案數量已增至超過10,000份。
另外,Cloudbreakr 將會在月內迎來數個大型更新,當中包括用戶期待已久的革新Profile設計、跨平台及即時熱話分析等,更全面地覆蓋不同創作人及商業用戶的需要。
如欲了解更多,請即登記試用 https://goo.gl/0pAz6Z!
Create Your Content across Border – Singapore Version is now Online!
Feb 9, 2017 – Cloudbreakr, the Asia-based Influencer Professional Network, releases its v2.3.6 update today. The updated version now allows users to search for influencers in Singapore, apart from the existing database in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The platform currently has over 10,000 influencers profiles avaliable for users to explore. With the advanced searching features, users are able to search for influencers according to their identities, interests and followers’ base. Users will also be able to find rankings of influencers in each region based on their performances on various social media platforms.
In the coming months, Cloudbreakr will release several major updates, including revolutionary user profile design, cross-platform analytics and advanced hot topic dashboard.
If you need more information, please sign up at https://goo.gl/0pAz6Z . Stay tuned!
Edwin Wong
Founder & CEO