The 10 Best Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement!
Engagement is the way that users show their connection with a brand on social media. Social media engagement has never been so critical to business growth. Want to improve your engagement on social media? In this article, you will discover 10 proven ways that will help you increase social media engagement today!
Marketing in Social Media to the Muslim
Malaysia is a Southeastern Asian country that is multiracial, with many different ethnic groups living in the country especially Malays that account for more than half of the country’s population. Topic such as #Halal has been constantly mentioned by the users on Instagram in Malaysia.
Cloudbreakr is going to show you the modern concept of Halal marketing, by taking fashion and hospitality & tourism services as an example to discover how they cater the muslim market. Let’s discover together!
Instagram VS Youtube VS Facebook
It’s important to consider all elements of your campaign—and how they align with a given platform—when selecting the best social media channels for your campaign. Each channel offers a unique audience, a different concentration of influencers, and its own core benefits when it comes to influencer marketing.
The Rise of Influencer Marketing in Malaysia
To read more about how big data analytics can boost your influencer marketing, download the free White Paper here : http://bit.ly/cb_whitepaper4
在台灣,Facebook 擁有異常地位。根據資料分析公司Statista 透露,台灣的Facebook 滲透率(擁有Facebook 帳號的網路用戶占比)為82%,高於世界其他地區。最接近的競爭對手是Naver 的應用程式Line,其滲透率為71%。而香港的Facebook 人口從數字上可看到它仍然是香港社交平台龍頭,總用戶數達到 570 萬(約77%)。兩地用戶對Facebook 的依賴都非常大,是主要的資訊性社交互動平台,那麼兩地的用戶對於內容上的偏好有什麼差別?Cloudbreakr 為你分析過往2018 年Facebook 專頁的內容,以及年度最受歡迎的專頁排名!
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