The idea of starting a YouTube channel these days is fully understandable among the tech-savvy millennials or young adults with the continuing growth of the video blogging phenomenon. But starting a channel is easy, what is difficult is how do you maintain and build it into a successful YouTube Channel. In this article, we will be looking at 6 ways to build a successful YouTube channel.
Who can make $1M for a Single Sponsored Post?
At this moment, brands realized that working with influencers are more impactful than spending a huge amount of money on giant billboards, radio and tv ads. However, it is still a mystery to many people about how did the influencers make that amount of money just by posting pictures on the social. Today, we will dive deep to find it out.
出鞘!YouTube 推出手機直播與「Super Chat」打賞功能
望穿秋水,YouTube 終於迎合世界潮流,在包括香港的40個地區推出手機/行動直播(Mobile Live)和「Super Chat」打賞功能。事實上,YouTube 早在2011年就推出了網站直播功能,但就遲遲未有在手機直播上發力,直到Facebook﹑Twitter和Instagram在去年相繼加入戰場後才急起直追。或許是後來者的關係,YouTube 也特意在功能上花心思吸引用家 —「Super Chat」將容許觀眾透過支付一定數量的金錢(課金)去置頂留言,令YouTuber 有更大機會去與你互動,概念就像是在演唱會首排/握手位的粉絲一樣︰付出與收獲成正比,絕對是芸芸手機直播功能中的一大突破。