Facebook has always been criticized for being insensitive to racist and hateful content for years. On June 17, a group of civil rights organizations called on businesses to “hit pause on hate” and not advertise on Facebook in July.
Why is my influencer marketing not working?
When brands have spent thousands of dollars investing in influencer marketing, they would like to see a high return on investment. But sometimes, when the influencer marketing does not work, it leaves brands scratching their head trying to figure out why. Today, we are talking about the reasons why your influencer marketing strategy is not working.
Why Traditional Marketing is Being Replaced by Influencer Marketing?
As the age of traditional marketing has been taken over by influencer marketing, many brands are now trying to ride on the trend. But how is influencer marketing better than traditional marketing? What are the reasons that sped up the transition?
In this article, we will find out the factors that caused traditional marketing being replaced by influencer marketing.
在新冠肺炎的衝擊下,隔離變成常態。隨著出門時間大幅減少 、工作安排普遍以 work from home為主、學校學習考試轉為線上教學、日常飲食傾向外賣速遞 , 持續的疫情重創全球經濟,亦改變了人們的生活習慣。「宅經濟」的出現對市場又產生哪些變化?
Go Niche or Go Home
Brands in the world are trying to find ways to break the veil of authenticity and create aspiration within their target audiences. Influencer marketing is one of the most authentic ways for brands and people to connect with each other. Influencer marketing is growing rapidly in most of the countries and more Malaysians are actually starting to build their social media profile at a young age so that they could be one of the influencers as well while they grow up. However, having a huge number of influencers in Malaysia means that it could be difficult for influencers to climb to a higher level. In this article, we will look into the elements that influencers are lacking and needs to be improved.
Cloudbreakr 媒體分析平台📧 info@cloudbreakr.com🌏 https://cloudbreakr.com/ ( 免費登記 ) 空闲的时候刷手机、等人的时候刷手机,就连有些人在上厕所的时候也是机不离手,网络的行销是一块肥肉啊!也正因为如此,网红行销就成了另一个品牌宣传自己的手法。2020年刚开始,就让我们一起来探讨Instagram与网红之间的局势吧! 1. 网红更爱使用Instagram Stories功能 自从推出了Instagram Stories这个功能,网红个人的主页就比较少更新新的帖子了。比起只是文字和照片,大家更爱关注网红们的动态消息,特别是一些旅游时候的短片和开箱,几乎每天都会有Instagram Stories,活跃度蛮高的。 然而,厂商依旧倾向于网红主页贴文,毕竟Instagram Stories的时效性只有24小时,对品牌宣传的效益不大,因此,主页贴文还是有它存在的必要。 2. 微网红的崛起 网红的分类级别里,主要区分为大型网红mega influencer(粉丝人数达50万以上);中大型网红macro influencer(30万至50万);中型网红mid-tier(5万至30万);微型网红micro influencer(1万至5万)和奈米nano influencer(1万以下)比起一线的网红,如今品牌更为倾向与微网红合作,除了价钱的元素之外,更重要的是,微网红能够带来的效益比一线网红来得高。再加上,微网红和粉丝们的互动相当好,而且,微网红的信誉上大多都来得比一线网红好,因此,不少商家宁愿把一笔预算分布给5个微网红,比分给一位一线网红来得大效益。 3. 标题的长度很重要 标题写得越长,读者/粉丝就会多花一点时间逗留在那一页,仔细看看网红所写的标题,这也是一种心理战术。如果标题是一秒钟可以看完的,粉丝就会很快滑过,并不会用心去读,重点是要有eye-catchy的标题,特别是短片,要如何在3秒钟吸引粉丝观赏你的影片,就是得靠标题。要成为有影响力的Instagrammer,内容为王,必须要注重价值。 4. 善用Hashtag/打卡 在Instagram,不用hashtag的话,就很难让新的群众关注到你啦!除非你是大明星,不需要使用hashtag也能增加追踪人数。当你在写贴文时,加入一些针对性或有关联的hashtag,能够帮助增加你的曝光率。善用hashtag除了能够为你的追踪人数飙升之外,在商务方面也能让厂商更容易发掘到你。时下的网红也会善用打卡的方式,让商家们更容易关注到自己,并且带来商机。最近众多的网红咖啡馆,几个漂亮的拍照区就能吸引顾客,这真是多靠网红们的魅力与拍照技术。
6 Ways To Build A Successful YouTube Channel
The idea of starting a YouTube channel these days is fully understandable among the tech-savvy millennials or young adults with the continuing growth of the video blogging phenomenon. But starting a channel is easy, what is difficult is how do you maintain and build it into a successful YouTube Channel. In this article, we will be looking at 6 ways to build a successful YouTube channel.