今年港隊運動員表現出眾、屢刷新史,他們不但佔據各大報章頭版,亦掀起全港市民的運動熱潮,多名港隊選手亦受市民支持。他們的Instagram粉絲數量在奧運期間升勢凌厲,熱潮蓋過當紅的Mirror、Error等明星。究竟哪位運動員在Facebook、Instagram獲得超過10,000條相關貼文? 哪位運動員的IG follower升幅超過300倍? 現在就讓Cloudbreakr為大家揭曉。
Top 4 Up & Coming Male Influencers in Malaysia
As we all know, Hero Remaja (Mister Teen Malaysia) is a male icon contest organised by the Remaja magazine (Youth magazine) owned by the Karangkraf group. Hero Remaja consists of the most handsome and talented rising stars in Malaysia. This competition alternates for female icons Dewi Remaja (Miss Teen Malaysia). Dewi Remaja has created some […]
香港樂壇重生 歌手如何利用社交媒體脫穎而出?
Instagram負責人Adam Mosseri在2019年的WIRED25 summit中向傳媒透露,Instagram即將隱藏貼文的讚好(Likes)和瀏覽次數(Views),希望營造一個舒適的環境讓用戶表達自已。其後,這個計劃分別在美國、加拿大、澳洲、日本等地進行測試,個別用戶從設定中可以勾選不公開貼文的讚好和瀏覽次數。有社會學者認為這是一件好事,因為許多人,尤其是青少年過份依賴社交媒體,出現了「社交媒體焦慮」。隱藏讚好可以減低他們使用社交媒體的壓力。但對於品牌和Marketer來說,這個舉動令他們的營銷策略失去其中一個重要的指標(KPI)。究竟Instagram隱藏讚好和瀏覽次數是什麼一回事?這是否代表網紅營銷(Influencer marketing)將走向末路?品牌和Marketer又應該如何適應,從中找到新商機?
最近全城熱烈討論的娛樂圈話題想必是由12位ViuTV選秀節目《Good Night Show 全民造星》參賽者組成的香港大型男子跳唱組合Mirror,他們每位成員都各有特色、各有專長、年輕而且充滿活力。Mirror短短出道3年已經成為香港最受歡迎的男子組合,究竟他們的成功原因是什麼?從社交媒體的大數據可以得出什麼成功密碼?
Micro Influencer Landscape 2021
According to We Are Social, more than 4.5 billion people now use theinternet, while social media users have passed the 3.8 billion mark.It’s a social media world and we are living in it. Social media changeseveryone’s behaviour. In the past, we received information from TV,radio, and newspaper; Now, we can easily access it through Facebook,Instagram, […]
The End of Influencer Marketing? Instagram is hiding likes to its users
Probably you have heard or are experiencing that Instagram is hiding likes on its platform. Do you know why Instagram is doing that to its 1 billion users? How does it change the social media ecosystem? What are the challenges to the businesses that rely on social media marketing? When the businesses are missing one of […]
ZALORA’s Community Influencer Program is here.
Cloudbreakr | Asia’s Media Analytics CompanyUnlock the power of social media✉️ info@cloudbreakr.com🌍 https://bit.ly/signupasKOL (For Influencers) Calling for ALL fashion-loving influencers! Cloudbreakr Malaysia has a new collaboration with Asia’s Online Fashion Destination – Zalora Malaysia to introduce their very first Referral Program. Believe me, you would not want to miss this opportunity! What is this ZALORA […]
Live Streaming Package for SME
Promoting products through live streaming has become an important promotional tool during the pandemic. Other than influencers, we have also seen celebrities or entrepreneurs are hopping on the bandwagon. Today, we will be discussing how the new influencer + live streaming trend can help your business to grow.
SME Package is back!
After the first launch of our Merdeka Package, we have received numerous requests hoping that we can relaunch the plan. To attend to this demand, we have decided to officially launch the SME Package 2.0! Read more in our blog to understand more!